The final episodes will be accompanied by “A Farewell to Ozark,” a new 30-minute special that serves as a behind-the-scenes retrospective about the making of the show. According to Netflix, the special “explores the genesis of the series, the rich characters we loved and loved to hate, the gripping performances that captivated us, the creatives who made magic behind the camera, and a wealth of memories over the last five years.”

“Ozark” tells the story of a married couple (played by Jason Bateman and Laura Linney) who move their family to the Lake of the Ozarks as part of a money-laundering scheme. They have continued to sink deeper into their dangerous life of crime throughout the series, but the biggest question of whether they will ultimately get away with it dominates the final season. The question was also on Jason Bateman’s mind when he spoke to IndieWire. “I do know where everything is going to end,” Bateman said. “The specifics leading up to it, I didn’t really grind [showrunner Chris Mundy] on. But I was interested in the big question he has the opportunity to answer: Are they going to get away with it, or are they going to pay a bill? Over the course of its four-season run, “Ozark” has been a critical and awards darling, picking up strong reviews and 32 Emmy nominations. Notably, Julia Garner won two Emmys for Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series and Bateman won Outstanding Directing for a Drama Series. The final seven episodes of “Ozark” Season 4 will be released April 29. You can watch the new trailer below.

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